Friday, December 31, 2010
CLASSIC TRACK: Mobb Deep - Cobra
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
ECONOMICS: The Immigrant Grind
- The immigrant work ethic that built America is not present in today's youth.
- The importance of family and friendships in business cannot be overstressed.
- Those who work that overtime now are the ones who will be rewarded down the road.
AUTHOR: Anonymous
When the paisans before me came from the old country, with only a couple lire in their pockets, they had the drive and determination to make it any way they could. It was almost impossible to get a job, let alone a decent antipasti, but they worked with sweat and tears to carve out a piece of America. Most of today’s youth generation either forgot or don’t bother to know how their ancestors made it up from the bottom. A hint: It wasn’t sleeping until noon and giving 60% in the workplace. The only ones who still understand the mentality of the hustle are the opportunistic people who come to this country with that same American dream and hardworking attitude. Forty hour weeks? Marone, they’ll find a way to fit 40 hours in a day if they have to. Fresh from the shores or from south of the border, immigrants today out-hustle and outperform the young stunads who were born Americano. And it’s only a matter of time before these lazy punks are replaced by the new kids on the block. Some advice for them: Try a little immigrant hustle of your own.
The underdog mentality
We all know some stunad who walks around like he has something to prove, but in certain instances, that mentality is what leads to success. Immigrants today are coming in as the Davids in a world filled with Goliaths. They’re the underdogs, and with everything they do, they’re trying to prove they have the traits of a big dog. It’s the right kind of chip to have on your shoulder. Most kids today don’t have that mentality. They’re trying to prove that you can get by in life without putting forth all your efforts. If a guy has the balls to walk into my office with that frame of mind, he’ll be lucky to get a gig switching out the urinal cakes.
Stronger relationship with families
In my line of work, family is everything. Not only because blood is thicker than water, but because family values extend outside of the close-knit circle of relatives. Kids coming to this country today have the strong familial ideals I talk about, representative of the immigrant hustle. They understand the need to respect their elders and care for the ones who need caring for. They also know the importance of their name. I tell my men: you were born into this name, strive to make others born under that same name proud. Respect those before you, stay loyal and know your responsibilities -- they’re traits lost with the youth.
Willing to do the work
You want to work a 9-to-5 job? Get a mop and broom -- those are hours for the chumps. Every job worth having requires more than the normal punches on the clock. Immigrants today understand these demands. They have the reputation for working the shifts the primo uomo turn away. It’s not because they’re desperate; they’re just smart enough to realize you have to pay your dues to make the right wages. Nowadays, you ask a kid to pull overtime on a Friday and he calls his union delegate. Marone, they’ll be in their mid-level positions until the day they die. Their bosses will be the kid who punched out at midnight.
A sense of community
Whether you’re picking up a box of cannoli on Mulberry Street, or a pint of lo mein in Chinatown, the feeling stays the same -- community. Immigrants continue to understand that it’s a game of “I scratch your back, you scratch mine.” It’s the truth in business and in life. You work together, you yield better results. The same immigrant kids who are forming after-school study groups grow up to form successful businesses; they’re always looking to help one another. On the contrary, American kids are stuck in the rut of an individualistic mentality. Me, me, me, me. My crew and I got to where we are today because we worked together. If it was any other way, we’d be in the obituaries instead of making headlines.
As these hardworking kids come to the shores of America, the lazy cafones who’ve been here since birth will continue to complain. “They’re taking our jobs, they’re taking our money.” Guys go ubatz with every new arrival. But the truth of the matter is, the immigrants are the only ones who remember what the American dream really is. You have to work hard to play hard. It’s about more than just you, and it’s about more than getting by. My advice: Follow the lead of your new neighbors before it leads to them taking over your job.
Friday, December 24, 2010
NBA COURT CUTS: Dec. 22, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
ECONOMICS: 6 Ways Corporations Profit from War
1. Control of strategic resources. Gold, silver and slaves (defined as property not persons) used to be the preferred resources of pillagers. Today oil, natural gas, and other physical resources (water in the future) are the aim of business corporations to either control or gain access to. US- and UK-based transnational energy corporations initiated the drive for war in Iraq for oil and in Afghanistan for natural gas. It’s hardly surprising that Exxon-Mobil, Chevron and other energy corporations have enjoyed record profits over the last several years.
2. Building weapons. Plans, tanks, guns, bullets, food, and bases are among the many items supplied to governments by Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics and other military contractors to wage wars and indefinitely occupy foreign countries. Military contractors benefit from “cost-plus” contracts – contracts that guarantee a certain percentage profit. The more expensive the military item, the greater the profit.
3. Waging wars. No longer are government-paid troops the only soldiers waging wars and occupying cities and villages. The Iraq war saw an explosion of business corporations receiving US government contracts to hire soldiers. Paid mercenaries provide an ever-increasing role in fighting “enemies” and protecting people and property.
4. Reconstruction. After corporate-made bombs blow up buildings, governments pay other corporations, such as Bechtel corporation, to rebuild buildings. Sometimes it’s the same corporations (i.e. Halliburton corporation). This cycle is akin to those who criticized some New Deal depression-era programs of paying people to dig holes and then to fill them back in. The military economic prime-pump equivalent, however, is no myth but is much more lethal and expensive.
5. Debt. Waging wars costs more money that what governments have in their treasuries. This requires taking out loans. This takes the form of selling government bonds that are purchased by central banks (the Federal Reserve in the case of the US) and private banks. The government allows banks to literally create money out of thin air to purchase US Treasury notes. Governments are on the hook for not only the principle of the loans but interest. Thus, banks profit from receiving interest payments and whatever principle may be repaid for money they never had to begin with. This is profit of glorious proportions to banking corporations. Wars, thus, create government dependency to banks – which explains why throughout history banks have encouraged Kings and other royalty to war with each other. Governments lose sovereignty when they lose their ability to shape their own budgets. More of our federal budget goes to debt service each and every year. Not all of US debt is war-incurred – the trillions for bank bailouts is another major cause. But the truth remains the more money set aside for war that can’t be paid for yields more debt…and bank profits. This was the reason President Lincoln scorned British and US banks and created interest free US money, called Greenbacks, to pay for the Civil War – saving billions in interest payments that would have been paid to banking corporations.
6. Privatization/corporatization of domestic public assets. Greater public debt eventually leads to an inability to fund domestic needs. Governments are left with two choices – raise taxes or sell off public assets to fill budgetary holes. If debts soar due to further war spending and too-big-to-fail bank bailouts, we can expect to see a massive sell off of public assets to business corporations – with massive corporate profits and loss of public control. The drive to “privatize” social security and Medicare are likely to intensify as our federal debt explodes. Financial corporations eager to invest our retirement savings in the market and insurance corporations more that willing to set up private health savings accounts would be huge winners.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
PHOTO ROLL: Miss Shakur
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
GLOBAL MATTERS: UN Pensions for Terrorists
With Kosovo's recent organ-trafficking scandal and the debate of whether Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Joe Biden and other western "power figures" were aware of the fact their friend and colleague Hashim Thaci (first Prime Minister of "new Kosovo") was (and remains) in control of large-scale-trade of drugs, weapons and organs, human trafficking and other criminal enterprises; it's important to remember (and note) another, more fucked up fact:
There has been sufficient evidence of organ trafficking and sadistic murders at the hands of KLA (Kosovo's Liberation Army) since the late nineties. Such evidence has been presented to the medias, USA officials, UN committees and other people in control of international laws from as early as 2000. The evidence was than hidden, dismissed and denounced by those same medias, officials and committees for the sake of justifying the bombing of Yugoslavia and imprisonment of Slobodan Milosevic (which in-turn justified the secession of Kosovo). THE PEOPLE WHO ARE ACCUSING THACI OF CRIMES AND ATROCITIES, ARE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THESE CRIMES FOR OVER A DECADE, AND WHO CHOSE TO DISREGARD THEM FOR PERSONAL GAINS. THEY ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR THACI TO HAVE POWER OVER A GOVERNED STATE. MEMBERS OF THE KLA TERRORIST GROUP ARE FREE TODAY MORE THAN EVER, TRADING ORGANS AS WE SPEAK, AND HAVE BEEN ORDAINED MEDALS OF BRAVERY AND PENSIONS BY UNITED NATIONS. AND FINALLY MY PEOPLE, KEEP IN MIND THAT BEHIND EVERY WESTERN PUSHED PROPAGANDA IS A REASON FOR ITS RELEASE. I'M AS SURPRISED AS ANYONE EDUCATED ON THE SUBJECT IS, WITH BRITISH AND AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS AND NEWS STATIONS CALLING THACI A MONSTER AND ACCUSING HIM OF CRIMES THAT HAVE BEEN PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE FOR MANY YEARS, BUT I ALSO KNOW THERE IS A REASON FOR IT BEHIND THE SCENES.
Here's a picture of KLA members carrying heads of 2 dead Serbian souljers (RIP). The psychopath in the middle of the celebration is Sadik Cuflaj, KLA member from the Decani area. Here's the problem: In a picture where 3 sadistic terrorists are holding 2 cut-off heads, the graphics aren't the scary part; nor is it scary that this picture has been public for over 5 years.
On behalf of everyone at IX Million Entertainment, I just want readers of this blog to understand that in this world there are 3 types of people, a) those who are clueless, b) those who know but don't give a fuck, and c) those who know and honestly give a fuck. As long as u not A, you aiite. The greatest contribution you can give the world is making the most of your own self. Everything else is TIP, it's unnecessary. Take everything you hear or see in the media with a grain of salt (or better yet don't even watch the bullshit) and if you choose to give a fuck, look behind the scenes for hidden factors and true motives.
Peace and Love
Monday, December 20, 2010
DOE OR DIE 2: AZ - Gimme Yours 2010 (Video)
Friday, December 10, 2010
MOVIE: Apocalypse Now (1979)
Saturday, December 4, 2010
BOOK CLUB: MLK, United Fruit Company & Serbian Protesters
On the evening of April 4 1968, Martin Luther King was in Memphis supporting a workers' strike. By the end of the day, top-level army snipers were in the position to knock him out if ordered. Two military officers were in place on the roof of a fire station near the Lorraine Motel, to photograph the events. Two black firemen had been ordered not to report to duty that day and a black Memphis Police Department detective on surveillance duty in the fire station was physically removed from his post and taken home. Dr King's room at the motel was changed from a secluded ground-floor room to number 306 on the balcony. Lloyd Jowers, owner of Jim's Grill which backed on to the motel from the other side of the street, had already received $100,000 in cash for his agreement to participate in the assassination. He was to go out into the brush area behind the grill with the shooter and take possession of the gun immediately after the fatal shot was fired. MORE
In this gripping exploration of corporate maneuvering and subterfuge, Peter Chapman shows how the importer United Fruit set the precedent for the institutionalized power and influence of today's multinational companies. Bananas! is a sharp and lively account of the rise and fall of this infamous company, arguably the most controversial global corporation ever – from the jungles of Costa Rica to the dramatic suicide of its CEO, who leapt from an office on the forty-fourth floor of the Pan Am building in New York City. From the marketing of the banana as the first fast food, to the company’s involvement in an invasion of Honduras, the Bay of Pigs crisis, and a bloody coup in Guatemala, Chapman weaves a dramatic tale of big business, political deceit, and outright violence to show how one company wreaked havoc in the “banana republics” of Central America, and how terrifyingly similar the age of United Fruit is to our age of rapid globalization. MORE
And for my Serbian peoples:
KANDŽE - Marko Vidojković
Radnja ove moderne bajke smeštena je u Beograd, u vreme građanskih protesta 1996-97. Vidojkovićev junak je student treće godine prava, fanatični učesnik protesta protiv izborne krađe. Izgladneo, odrpan i izneveren od ostatka sveta, on svakodnevno ide na demonstracije i bezglavo uleće u najopasnije situacije pomiren sa besmislom života. Sve će se promeniti kad upozna neobičnu devojku smeđe kose i odsečenih trepavica…. „Kandže“ na nov način govore o studentskom protestu devedesetih razobličujući ga do kraja, i bezobrazno promovišu princip revolucionarne pravde i pravilo da je u politici i ljubavi sve dozvoljeno. MORE
Friday, December 3, 2010
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: "Snitch Alibi" (Nas)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
NEW MIXTAPE: "Unsigned City"
Official Capish Hip Hop 10 Year Anniversary / Unsigned City Release parties are scheduled for:
- SATURDAY, DEC. 4 [The Bank Lounge - Niagara Falls, 19+ ID a must]
- FRIDAY, DEC. 10 [Knights of Columbus Hall - Niagara Falls, All Ages]